◆ Japan Labor Review, Volume 13, Number 1, Winter 2016
The Japan Labor Review is a quarterly journal of research in the field of labor studies. For the purpose of providing valuable information on Japanese labor issues to the broad range of overseas readers, articles are selected, edited and published by an editorial board of the JILPT.
Main theme of this issue:
"Labor Problems Facing Intermediate-Age Workers"
・Changes Experienced by Intermediate-Age Workers in Japan's Labor Market
・Current Status and Issues Facing Employees of Intermediate Age in the
Workplace: From the Perspective of Labor-Management Relations
・Work-Life Conflict in the Intermediate Age Bracket: Trends in Working
Hours and Time Spent Caring for Elderly Family Members
・Study on Legal Issues Involving Intermediate Age Brackets: Aiming to
Facilitate Work-Life Balance
▽Article Based on Research Report
Analysis of the Support System for Job Seekers: Relation of Training
Implementation Agencies' Activities and Trainees' Job Seeking Success
▽JILPT Research Activities
Please visit our website at http://www.jhrs.org/jilpt
※To subscribe to the print version (free of charge), please register from below.
◆ JILPT Research Report
We publish Research Reports as a result of various researches and studies
conducted, originally in Japanese.
English summaries of selected reports are also available on our website.
◇No.178 Summary
Collective Agreement Systems in Modern Industrialized Nations
―Company-based Collective Agreements in France
◇No.174 Summary
Comparative Analysis of Employment Dispute Cases Resolved by Labour Bureau
Conciliation, Labour Tribunals and Court Settlement
◇No.171 Summary
In-house Career Counseling and its Characteristics in Japan
―Results of free description in the questionnaire survey and interview
Please visit our website at http://www.jhrs.org/jilpt
◆ The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies
Abstracts January 2016
◆ Statistics
◇Main Labor Economic Indicators, December 2015
◇Recent Statistical Survey Reports, December 2015