JHRS Community News | JHRSコミュニティー・ニュース

To All JHRS Members and The HR Agenda Readers | 

JHRS会員とThe HR Agenda読者の皆様

Yoshiharu Matsui, Ed.D., MBA, Chief Community Officer, The Japan HR Society (JHRS) |
松井義治(ヨシ) Ed.D., MBA, The Japan HR Societyチーフ・コミュニティー・オフィサー

Continuing the story, starting a new chapter | ストーリーは続いていく。新しいチャプターの始まり。

Translated from Japanese original

This is Yoshiharu (Yoshi) Matsui, Jun’s successor as the JHRS Community Officer. I have been involved with JHRS since its founding and have been half of the AskHR column together with Andrew. I would like to briefly share my ambitions with you as I begin my new role.

I intend to continue conducting activities that are faithful to JHRS’ mission of contributing to the progress and development of HR management practices, which constitute the core engagement of our community.

When I think about it, a lot of changes have taken place in HR since I first encountered this field. I took personnel administration as part of the MBA curriculum, which is also when I joined the American Society for Personnel Admin (currently the Society for Human Resource Management or SHRM). At that time, I was mainly working to enhance and implement standard HR programs in areas like hiring, training, HR policy, equal opportunity employment, and labor affairs. Balanced scorecards came about in the 1990s and promoting diversity within companies became a trend in the mid-1990s, while strategic human resource management gained ground later in the decade. Globalization and technology advances sped up in the 2000s, leading to HRM with a greater focus on diversity & inclusion.

I believe that the role of the HR department is to create a sense of reward in work, cultivate ties with and among employees, enable employee growth, and build a vibrant company culture. As such, improving low employee engagement, meeting needs for the increasing globalization and diversity of the workforce, and advancing the work-style reforms and employee health management promoted by the Japanese government will continue to be important topics for human resource management departments.

In accordance with JHRS’ mission, we will continue to provide best practices, advice, seminars and workshops related to human resource management as well as global networking opportunities with HR experts to increase HRM departments’ capacity to make contributions to their companies.

I will work together with my colleagues Hilda and Marc to support all of you who are JHRS members and readers of The HR Agenda to achieve your professional goals, and ask for your continued participation in and support of the JHRS community.

Please send us (ymatsui@jhrs.org) your questions, comments and suggestions about the topics, trends and activities you’re interested in. We look forward to your valuable input.




思い起こしますと、私が最初に人事と出会ってから人事には様々な変化が起きています。学生時代MBA科目で人事(Personnel Administration)を取り、その時に米国人事協会(American Society for Personnel Admin、現在のSHRM - Society for Human Resource Managementの前身)に入会しました。その時は名前通り、採用・トレーニング・人事ポリシー・雇用機会均等・労務など基本的な人事制度の強化と実践が主な活動でした。90年代に入ってから人事のスコアカードができ、中頃からは社内のダイバーシティ推進、後半からは戦略的人材マネジメント、2000年以降はグローバル化とIT化の加速により、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンを加速する人材マネジメントの強化と推進が起きています



JHRS会員、またThe HR Agenda読者の皆様のプロフェッショナルゴール達成の一助となれますよう、同僚、HildaMarcと共に、邁進していきますので引き続き、JHRSコミュニティへのご参加・ご支援をお願いします




Yoshiharu Matsui
specializes in leadership and organization development leveraging his more than 12 years of marketing experience and 12 years of HR/OD experience. He provides executive coaching, leadership development, organizational change and marketing and sales development to help clients strengthen their business performance, organizational health and employee engagement.


(ヨシ)Ed.D., MBA 12年間のマーケティング経験と12年間の人事と組織開発の経験をもとに、リーダーシップ開発と組織開発を専門とする。エグゼクティブコーチング、リーダーシップ開発、組織変革、マーケティング及び営業力強化などを通して、顧客企業のビジネス成果・組織の健康・社員の能力と士気の強化を支援。


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