Advertise with Us
Benefits of Advertising With Us
Being a niche or specialize Japan-focused HR community, advertising with JHRS gives you a targeted approach to send your product or service message directly to your potential buyers or users of your products or services. The result is a higher ROI in your advertising investments.
Ways to Advertise
- The JHRS Family of Websites (main site, online magazine, etc.)
- The HR Agenda Magazine (published quarterly) with an initial print run of 1,500 copies distributed domestically and internationally. Online and Digital versions also available for download.
- The JHRS Bi-Weekly Newsletter sent more than 2,200 opt-in subscribers who are either HR professionals or business executives in Japan
Fees and Media Kit
A. For print edition of The HR Agenda Magazine: Download the Media Kit here
B. For online advertising:
Coverage: All
JHRS family of websites & newsletter
- Leader board/Top Header, 100X600 (ie, visible for all page views), Rotating (max 3, if any) = Y30,000/mo minimum of 3 mos (10% OFF for 6 mos and 20% for 1 year advertising)
- Sidebar, Left side, 300x300 (ie, visible only on Top/Home page), fixed = Y20,000/mo minimum of 3 mos (10% OFF for 6 mos and 20% for 1 year advertising)
- Bottom/Footer, 100x600 (ie, visible for all pageviews) = Y15,000/mo minimum of 3 mos (10% OFF for 6 mos and 20% for 1 year advertising)
- Link Advertising: Y2,100/mo minimum of 3 mos (10% OFF for 6 mos and 20% for 1 year advertising)
Ad Performance Report: Included
Acceptable formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF (animated), Video (HTML code or video link required)
To ensure quality, please ensure to have your image to be at least 300Kb in size.
No matter how much is your advertising budget, talk with us! We will create a special advertising campaign that fits your budget. Contact us NOW.
Advertising Examples
Banners/Buttons (JPG, JPEG, BMP, TIF, or GIF formats):
Note: Ad size customization is possible. Just let us know.