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Action Dialogue on Japan’s New Global Spirit |

The HR Agenda

December saw the arrival of the very first in a series of events conceived with the aim of gaining insights towards action. These events will follow each issue of the magazine. In keeping with the previous issue's theme, “Japan’s New Global Spirit”, the event focused on Japan’s corporate role in the global era: What values and practices of old should we hold onto, what should we let go of, and what new strategies and processes will help Japan become a more global player in her future? | HR関係者がとるべき行動にむけての洞察を得る目的で、2011年12月、第1回「行動志向の対話シリーズ」が開催された。この対話は今後もThe HR Agenda毎号発行後に開催される予定である。今回の対話ではThe HR Agenda前号のテーマ「日本の新しいグローバル・スピリット」に即し、グローバル化時代の日本企業の役割に焦点を当て、日本の「大和魂の挑戦」において、これまでの価値や習慣の中で堅持すべきは何で、放棄すべきは何か、将来、よりグローバルな役割を果たすにはどのような戦略やプロセスを新たに採り入れるべきかが議論された。

Original article (untranslated version)

     Despite the additional challenge of having to compete with the awesome views from atop Roppongi Hills tower for participants’ attention, the event delivered on its promise to start bridging best practice between international and Japanese HR. The programme, betwixt the social bookends of lively conversation and networking in both English and Japanese, helped along by the buffet, wine and interpreter-facilitators, constituted three phases of inquiry: Discussion, dialogue, and insights toward action.


     The first stage consisted of a Discussion and Q&A with a core group of globally experienced business and HR leaders, in which Hideki Ikeda, (Human Capital Development, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), David Karpelowitz, (Senior Director - Globalization, Fast Retailing Co., Ltd.), Maki Akaida, (HR Director, Fast Retailing Co., Ltd.), and Yoshiharu Matsui, (President, HPO Creation, Inc.) provided strategic insights into and answered questions on the challenges and opportunities they see in developing and executing global business. Opening participants’ eyes to other points of view, we heard stark differences in perspectives on the appropriate level of sensitivity to different communication styles. Current best practice shared included the need to simplify Japanese rules and procedures to make them effective overseas.


     Where stage one focused on sharing existing knowledge and opinions of the ‘experts’, stage two ‘Dialogue’ groups encouraged everyone to generate insights about what they did not fully understand, raising awareness at deeper levels about one or more themes from the discussion stage. Participants inquired, listened closely, and spoke about issues underlying their own and others’ business-specific contexts.

Towards Action

     Facilitators Annette Karseras and Clive TanayaBloomer posed the question, “What can we do with the insights we have now?” to frame the final stage. Participants first reflected in writing, then opened up their personal schedules and selected existing opportunities they could use to move their insights a step closer towards action. One person picked a meeting the following week, where previously the intention had been to have head office impose the agenda. Instead, she determined to include overseas partners in the agenda setting as well.



     第1段階では、世界での経験豊かな経営・HRリーダーからなるパネリストから話を聞き、その後、質疑応答に移った。池田英樹(中外製薬株式会社人財育成部課長)、デービッド・カーペロウィッツ(株式会社ファーストリテイリング・グロ ーバリゼーション担当シニア・ディレクター)、赤井田真希(同社人事部長)、松井義治(HPOクリエーション代表取締役)の4氏が、グローバル・ビジネスを展開・実行する上での課題とチャンスについて戦略的洞察を提起し、参加者からの質問に答えた。





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