JHRS Advisory: The System of Labour Relations Commissions in Japan by JILPT

  • 09 Oct 2015 21:48
    Message # 3568990
    JHRS (Administrator)

    As a special service to JHRS members like you, we are pleased to inform you of the following latest information on publications, research reports, and statistics from The Japan Institute for Labor Productivity and Training or JILPT (an agency of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare or MHLW). We hope that you find this useful in your business and HR profession.

    Japan Labor Review
    The Japan Labor Review is a quarterly journal of research in the field of labor studies. For the purpose of providing valuable information on Japanese labor issues to the broad range of overseas readers, articles are selected, edited and published by an editorial board of the JILPT.

    Main theme of this issue:
    "The System of Labour Relations Commissions in Japan: Retrospects and Prospects"

          ・The Significance of Labour Relations Commissions in Japan's Labor Dispute
            Resolution System
          ・The Present Situation and Issues of the Labour Relations Commission System
          ・Labour Relations Commissions and Industrial Relations: The Era of Great
          ・The Law of the Labour Relations Commission: Some Aspects of Japan's Unfair
            Labor Practice Law
          ・Unfair Labor Practice Cases Handled by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
            Labor Relations Commission
        ▽Articles Based on Research Report
          ・The Mechanism of Employment Portfolio Formation: Empirical Study through
            Qualitative Analysis
        ▽JILPT Research Activities

       Please visit our website at http://www.jhrs.org/jilpt

     ※To subscribe to the print version (free of charge), please register from below.

    ◆ The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies
      Abstracts October 2015

    ◆ Statistics
      ◇Main Labor Economic Indicators, September 2015

      ◇Recent Statistical Survey Reports, September 2015

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